The Problem

Designers will specify the products with the least available friction

  • Product development can cost millions of euros
  • Maintenance costs are significant

Software infrastructure can make it easy

  • Without software, engineers need to read & interpret PDFs, & create spreadsheets to perform designs.
  • Software can go beyond existing workflows to enable ultimate simplicity. 

Building your own software is expensive

  • Product development can cost millions of euros
  • Maintenance costs are significant

The Solution

Software tailored to the industry of engineered wood products. 

  • Software dedicated to building infrastructure for products in the timber ecosytem. 
  • Supply chain availability. 
  • Integration of member design & connections.

Educational Design

  • Ability to integrate video & written education of your solution.
  • Clearly referenced for safe design of your products. 
  • Not a black box.

Free For Your Customers At A Fraction of The Cost

  • Our Premium Partners pay 1% of the software costs if they were to build this themselves.
  • Your customers get FREE access to automated design routines of your products.

Integrate Your Data Onto Our Platform

CLT Member Design

Floor & Wall Design.

  • Slenderness calculations
  • Post fire section
  • Point loads
  • Section properties calculations

Design Codes.

  • Eurocode 2025
  • National Annexes
  • AS1720.1
  • USA & Canada (2025)


  • FP Innovations USA
  • FP Innovations Canada
  • Hamm et al
  • Draft Eurocode 25

Analytical Methods.

  • Gamma method
  • Extended gamma method
  • Shear analogy method
  • Timoshenko method

Fire Design.

  • Draft Eurocode 25
  • Adequacy, integrity & insulation
  • Two sided fire exposure
  • Protection times (plasterboard, insulation, screed etc)
  • Dynamic imagery & calculations

Analysis Module.

  • Default & manual options
  • Common load cases (simple supported, two span unequal etc)
  • Varied load combinations, variable load durations

Leverage our software development to enable easy design of your products:

Estimated Dev Time: 350 Weeks. | Est Dev Costs For Single Supplier Solution: 1.5m Euros.

Contact Us To Integrate

CLT Connections Design

Floor - Floor Connections

  • Half lap
  • Spline
  • Butt joints

CLT Floor – Concrete Wall

  • Concrete anchor designs

Wall-Wall Connections

  • Half lap
  • Spline
  • Angled screws

Supply Chain Interaction

  • Interact dynamically with connection supply chain

CLT Floor – GLT or Steel Beam

  • Vertical or angled screws

Timber Failure Modes

  • Slab notch (reinforced or unreinforced)
  • CLT Compression perp to grain

Leverage our software development to enable easy design of your products:

Estimated Dev Time: 250 Weeks. | Est Dev Costs For Single Supplier Solution: 1m Euros.

Contact Us To Integrate

GLT Member Design Calculators

Column Design

  • Analysis
  • Slenderness calculations
  • Post fire section
  • Dynamic eccentricities

Beam Penetration Design

  • Draft Eurocode or NZ WG Ch12.6
  • Penetration geometries & locations.
  • Reinforcement option (axial loaded screws)

Beam Design

  • Analysis
  • Serviceability
  • Vibration check stiff supports (FP Innovations)

Truss Member (In Progress)

  • GLT lateral stability
  • Truss force analysis
  • Design for tension/compression

Fire Design.

  • Draft Eurocode 25 & AS1720.4
  • Four sided fire exposure
  • Protection times (plasterboard etc)
  • Dynamic imagery & calculations

Design Codes

  • Eurocode 2025
  • National Annexes
  • AS1720.1
  • USA & Canada (In Progress)

Leverage our software development to enable easy design of your products:

Estimated Dev Time: 100 Weeks. | Est Dev Costs For Single Supplier Solution: 0.5m Euros.

Contact Us To Integrate

GLT Connection Design Calculators

Beam-Floor Connections

  • Screw design
  • Integration with screw supply chain

Beam-Concrete Connections

  • Anchor designs.
  • Integration with screw supply chain

Bearing Connections

  • Tensile & compressive stresses at connection

Large Dowel Designs

  • Integration with 17 large dowel calculators
  • Scenarios based on load direction and steel/timber interactions.
  • EYM & brittle failure modes included

Beam Column Connections

  • Fire cases included.
  • Integration with proprietary connection suppliers.
  • Dynamic imagery.

Continuous Improvement

  • A full connection detail library is intended to be built out for GLT connections.

Leverage our software development to enable easy design of your products:

Estimated Dev Time: 100 Weeks. | Est Dev Costs For Single Supplier Solution: 0.5m Euros.

Contact Us To Integrate

Screw Design

  • Inclusion in all calculators and features including screws for use in Australia, New Zealand, and Europe.
  • Axial & lateral loading.
  • Ensuring compatibility with Eurocode (current and revised Eurocode 5), AS1720,  NZS AS1720 analytical methods & fire char modules.
  • The CLT Toolbox conducts thorough product data reviews, ensuring integration complies with analytical standards and the European Technical Assessment (ETA).
  • Incorporation of business information onto the platform.
Contact Us To Integrate

Proprietary Products

  • Let us build the proprietary software to integrate into the mass timber ecosystem.
  • We build the calculator, maintain the software & distribute to the users on our platform.


  • Dynamic 3D image creation
  • Post fire section

Supply Chain Integration

  • Integrate with the beam / column supply chain

Technical Integration

  • Integration of ETA or relevant technical calculation routines.

Enable Flexibility Of Grades

  • Enable the flexible design capacities based on timber grades selected.

Our  Partners

The Infrastructure Factory

We've got our own processes to build the software the industry needs. We call it the Infrastructure Factory.

How To Work With Us

Extended Free Trial
(3 Months)

Collaboration between us to codiscover what design software the engineer needs, whilst the software continues to develop.

CLT Toolbox Offers

Entire organisation & selected structural engineers has unlimited access to software for the three month period

Potential Partner's Feedback

What are the most important ways we can help your clients design your products?

The Investment
(3-Meetings Over 3-months)

Meeting 1:
Meeting 2:
Feedback On What Software Needs To Be
Meeting 3:
Technical Scoping & If We Want To Go Forward

Option 1
Internal Use

Your team & engineers behind the CLT Toolbox paywall can leverage the calculators to design in your products.

CLT Toolbox Offers

  • Unlimited licenses for partner.
  • Integration of products into software.
  • Products integrated into current and building member design & connection design calculators.
  • Marketing of supplier on platform.
  • Uploading of supplier product data behind license paywall.
  • Engineers who have paid licenses have access.
  • Basic analytics reports on how software is used.

The Investment
(Cash Or In-kind)

Integration Fee (Cash or In-kind)
License Fee

Option 2
External Distribution

CLT Toolbox a software partner enabling frictionless distribution of your products on all of our calculators to your existing & potential customers for free.

CLT Toolbox Offers

  • All of internal use offer, including
  • All supplier product data not behind paywall.
  • Partner can provide education on the software platform.
  • Premium analytics reports on how product is being used in software relative to supply chain & regions.

CLT Toolbox a software partner enabling frictionless distribution of your products to your customers. 

The Investment
(Cash Or In-kind)

Integration Fee (Cash or In-kind)
Distribution Fee

Contact Us To Integrate

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