
Having started with timber engineering more than 20 years ago and delivered structures in Europe, Asia and finally in Australia the process of getting designs valuated and approved by local authorities has been a challenge. Timeframes blowing out in the process. CLT Toolbox has streamlined the design and documentation making it easy to refer to the correct clause in the required standard. It also helps us immensely when comparing different supplier’s materials and assessing like for like solutions. CLT Toolbox is easy to use, adjustable input for any supplier and has clear explanation for certifier/authorities.

Bernhard Waschl

CLT toolbox has helped simplify the organisation and transparency of engineering calculations by providing a ‘once stop shop’ for all relevant designs. I like the explanations attached to some of the calculations which is a big bonus for the younger engineers learning the ropes, which in turn takes gives some time back to the senior engineers not having to repeat the same concepts over. I think its an important tool to breaking down the barriers of Mass Timber design which historically has had a varied approach within the industry. 

Matthew Burke 
Structural Engineer

“The CLT Toolbox is an essential piece of software for any organisation working with mass timber. It provides efficient workflows for design areas that need to synthesize local and overseas codes, it greatly assists with managing QA and also serves as a solid educational tool for training new team members. The team at CLT Toolbox have delivered an app that the market really needs”

Robbie Svars
General Manager